Friday, July 24, 2009

On The Road Again...................

Dustin' off suitcases..............headed for Michele's...................gotta raid her scrap garbage can for digging in there! Can't wait to visit and see what she has been up to before heading home to NE for a fall respid.

Monday, April 20, 2009

April Updates

LOTS going on at this end. Getting ready for summer road trips, working hard at genealogy, getting lots of new pictures and news of relatives and meeting new cousins; quilts going well, quilt co has a logo! yeah.................can't show it to's supposed to be people get to see it, ok, a few.
But am excited over it. The grass is growing darn it, nothing to mow it with, may have to rent a goat or two...................Bernina still in the shop, got the Huskvarna Viking Designer 1 out and we are now bestest of friends, except when it comes to winding bobbins. Hope to get some help with that this week........
Hear Chele in TN is burning the midnight oil; can hear her sewing machine screaming for help from here! Slow down, Chele, give it some breaks! AND SAVE THE FABRIC SCRAPS for ticia........................

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My February and March Excuses

Ok, I haven't produced anything or any evidence of "work" lately; have been waiting for inspiration.............didn't buy that one? darn...........
February brought a road trip to "enjoy" the SNOW in Atlanta and thoroughly took my mind off of quilting, as I love the white stuff, and have been buried in genealogy so far this month.

I will admit to having traced off some embroidery blocks, rotary cut some 2" strips for a "someday" black and print log cabin AND have lots of new material made from Mischele's scraps..........will have to visit and grab some more from the "roundfile" before she tosses the itty bitty things.

The Bernina is throwing a tantrum; it thinks everything should be "gathered" not flat, so it has been put in the corner for "time out" and the Huskvarna Viking Designer I has come out of the closet..............I had forgotten how much fun it was to have a machine raise my pressure foot for me and then double stitch and cut my thread by pushing a button with a picture of scissors on it!
AND it sews far.

Promise more "scrap fabric" pictures soon.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Here is another UFO that finally got finished; it will go on the CharityQuiltsBeginAtHome blog page and on the stack of
"warmies" waiting for new homes!


Ok, there is the little fellow, all done, bead work added and tweeked and ready to go to his new owner. He turned out rather well; learned a LOT about foundation piecing and cross hatching but really like the look........comments welcome..................ticia

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Eagle Almost Ready To Fly

Next post will show the eagle; he/she is done and only the binding and beading and signature is left to be done. Cross hatch became the choice and now that it's done; it was the perfect choice; stippling would have been way too busy for this little fellow is busy enough, just flying along, where to, we don't know, but the recipient of it, will. It's a birthday present for my Cousin, Rita and represents her tribal name. I like to think she will like it.........................ticia

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Love My Walking Foot!

Well, we put away the cute little expensive stipple foot and drug out the walking foot, remembering to go to "other people's" pages for GOOD instructions, as Bernina instructions are the pits and we did a trial run. Not having any masking tape (oh, remember this statement)
we used a 1" strip of muslin and pinned it for something to sew by.

This worked, we are happy again......................then we decide to splurge the .78 cents and buy a roll of masking tape.........................have you ever really READ those dimensions? You can no longer buy at Wal Mart a one inch roll of masking tape without going into the cutesy blue 2.88 tape. You can .75 and .90 but not 1.00..................grrrrrrrrrr So, wanting to finish the eagle that was redeemed from the black hole of UFO's, I gave in and bought the stuff; had no choice, had already started with one inch and the muslin.

Bottom line, Eagle looking good, will feel better when finished but did I mention that I just love my walking foot, absolutely love it........................ticia